Advertising Reports


Display Case Search Engine Exposures Period Display Clicks All Votes Industry Average $2.41 ROI
A & S Studios 25,101 6,830 708 $16,460.30
First United Bank & Trust Company 148,625 158,941 13145 $383,047.81
Kiss N Conceal 2,942 1,603 436 $3,863.23
Mirror Masters Photography 117,611 2,686 276 $6,473.26
Posh! Art & Skate Co. 1,500 964 246 $2,323.24
Sparrows Gallery LLC 6,920 3,668 776 $8,839.88
TOTAL (6) 302,699 174,692 15,587 $421,007.72
AMCPB: 29,115.333 TOTAL: 174,692


  • Display Case - Name of business
  • Period Display Views - Member's total display views or exposures from their online display case
  • Period Display Clicks - This is an actual action by a human (not just an exposure) to learn more
  • All Votes - When a person visits an individual display they have the option (when feature turned on) to click that they like this display or service.
  • Conservative $0.25 ROI - This display click through value is calculated at a VERY conservative $0.25 vs buying an ad at $1.00 to $2.00 industry average. We find that these reports often offset the full cost of community membership within the first 12 months from the member's launch date.
  • Industry Average $2.41 ROI - This display click through value is calculated at an industry average of $2.41. (Wordstream 2024)

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